Researchers from the UDG just presented a paper titled “An Internet of Things System for Environmental Monitoring Based on ESP32 and Blynk” at the 26th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology. The authors of the paper are D. Babic, I. Jovovic, T. Popovic, N Kovac, and S. Cakic. The paper proposes a simple solution for eco monitoring based on ESP32 and Blynk platform. The researchers used materials and tools provided by the ECOMON IoT Lab.
ABSTRACT – This study goes through basic principles of environmental monitoring in order to propose a simple real-time environmental monitoring based on the Internet of Things technology. The proposed solution utilizes inexpensive and widely available hardware and software components making it suitable for both personal and commercial use. The hardware of the sensor node is based on an ESP32 microcontroller equipped with sensors for environmental monitoring. The data is collected and integrated using Blynk’s cloud-based web application as a backbone of the developed system. Blynk cloud platform provide features for storing, managing, and visualizing data received from monitoring device. The proposed system keeps track of air temperature, humidity, air pressure and dust-like particles concentration in the air. The system is characterized by low cost and low energy consumption. The sensor node has been installed and tested alongside a commercial system for ecological monitoring at the university building.