This year, the IoT Week conference will take place in Dublin, 31 August – 3 September 21. The IoT Week 2021 conference will gather IoT devotees from all around the world to explore a range of topics regarding the emerging IoT, AI, Blockchain and 5Gtechnologies through 12 thematic areas. Learn more at
Real-time air quality index (AQI) can be monitored using the data provides via Internet from the sites such as World Air Qiality Index ( and and the information depends on the quality of the data reported by respective cities. The overall quality is color coded:
Green – Good
Yellow – Moderate
Orange – Unhealthy for sensitive groups
Red – Unhealthy
Blue – Very unhealthy
Purple – Hazardous
This is just one example of online data on ecomonitoring parameters. We included the data for the main cities in Montenegro in the widget on the right side of the posts page on our website.
World Air Quality Index visualised at websiteAQI index reported per cities (depends on the data reported)